
Let's start from beginning

A project log for Wireless mqtt temp sensor

I've started long time ago to create surely but slowly and no wire attached temperatures sensor and I wanted a place to post my progress.

jean-christophe-duperronJean-Christophe Duperron 10/27/2016 at 05:330 Comments

First of all I have done some research on how people took this ty of approch on the web and finally found this post:

Simplistic battery wifi temperature logger

This was just extremely perfect!

But mine need to be more robust so a little more deeper reserch make me feel on an nice firmware of MQTT protocole handler for esp called Homie.

Homie is awesome and at this moment, some great-opensource-developers are currently working hard on next version (2.0.0) so for the moment I played with V1.5 witch is really not so bad.

Till then I was waiting for my components to arrive (from china...) I have read alot on configurating it on esp8266.
