Lux Turpis is serving the following roles on my antenna mast.
* An ISM radio relay. This includes Bluetooth, WiFi in the 2.4GHz band, and LoRa in the 915MHz band.
* A stratum-1 NTP server via GPS with PPS sync and non-battery RTC backup.
* A sensor pod that monitors weather, lightning and geomagnetism.
* An IP bridge for certain classes of radio traffic that I assign policy for relay.
The hardware is a one-off multi-platform system. You can try to replicate it if you like, but
it is being posted more as a demonstration and documentation piece, rather than as
a usable body of code and hardware plans.
The hardware is basically finished. After a bit more config and testing, the plate will be installed in the IP68 case. I am pleased at the idle current draw being as low as it is (~2 Watts).
The LoRa and 2.4GHz radios are managed by the ESP32, which has a relationship via UART to the Raspi. Remote reflash of the ESP32 is the last thing to be tested before the whole mess is mounted to the antenna mast, and the machine goes into service.