
Keyboard adventures - Episode 2

A project log for Portable Raspberry PI Zero

a 3D printed portable computer with a QWERTY keyboard

davedarkodavedarko 11/06/2016 at 00:530 Comments

That's my current state for the actual keyboard. I will probably drop this and move over to python, since I just don't get the uinput stuff in C and the linux input system. Hey future Dave, research before developing, you know this stuff!

#include <wiringPi.h>
#include <wiringPiI2C.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int fdH;
int fdL;
int fd;
int rpl;

int ret;

int row = 1;
int rowI = 1;
int col = 1024;

int i = 0;
int j = 0;
int k = 0;

void printByte(int a)
        for (j=0x8000; j>0; j=j>>1)
                if ((a&j) > 0) printf("1");
                else printf("0");

int main (void)
        wiringPiSetup ();
        fdH = wiringPiI2CSetup(0x20); // rows only
        fdL = wiringPiI2CSetup(0x21); // cols with rows

        for (;;)
                int rowS = 0x03FF ^ row;
                int rowL = (rowS<<5) & 0x00FF; // High
                int rowH = (rowS>>3) & 0x00FF; // Low
                int addL = rowL | 0x1F;
                int addH = rowH;

                wiringPiI2CWrite(fdH, addH);
                wiringPiI2CWrite(fdL, addL);

                int keys = wiringPiI2CRead(fdL);
                keys = keys & 0x1F;
                int keyI = 1;
                for (k=0x10; k>0; k=k>>1)
                        if (!(k & keys))
                                printf("%i\t%i\n", keyI, rowI);

                row = row << 1;
                if (row == col)
                        row = 1;
                        rowI = 1;
        return 0 ;
