The idea here is to build a simple device with an RJ45 jack and small display, so I can test various 1-wire sensors around the house. I have a bunch all wired up via RJ45/cat5, but the current solution of a USB dongle and massive long runs is inadequate.
I need to be able to figure out which ones are faulty, and which ones work, and then I can work on a solution to bring them all back into the fold.
Posted a schematic. Wired up a D1 Mini Battery shield, and switched to using a simple OLED. Now it basically is a handheld scanner that I can wire in, power on, and check any set of sensors.
Just a quick first attempt. Wired up a 16x2 i2c LCD, and 2 1-wire sensors. Quick little sketch on the D1 Mini, and it prints out the address of each device it finds, as well as the reading.
Right now I'm only reading temperature devices. The idea is to add more devices, and better power, and be able to test them all.