
ecp5 Toolchain Install

A project log for 2019 Hackaday Superconference Badge

FPGA Running RISC-V Core in a Game Boy form factor

lutetiumLutetium 10/22/2019 at 13:360 Comments

For Mac OSX (not tested on Catalina):

These are ecp5 toolchain instructions for Mac OSX and above.

This has been tested with High Sierra, and has not been tested with Catalina

Go to the apple symbol in the top left >> About this Mac to check what version OS you have.

Go here: and grab the toolchain for your OS. 

The badge uses a DFU bootloader by @Sylvain Munaut . You need dfu-util to interface with this; a binary is provided in the toolchain archive you just downloaded.

You’ll need to add the ecp5 toolchain to your path. This is how.

Test that your toolchain is working by putting yosys and then nextpnr-ecp5 in the terminal prompt. 

If these work, your toolchain is installed. 


Check your path.

For Debian

Coming Soon.

For Windows 10

Coming Soon.
