The four members of the team have different technological backgrounds as electronic engineering, physics and computer science but we all share passion for making all kind of inventions mixing any available technology.
We are all members of MAKERONI LABS, a non profit that was born in Zaragoza in 2012 following the MAKER movement that is currently shaking the world.
Its main purposes are:
- -Promote a collaborative workspace for the development of new technologies.
- -Promote the dissemination of new technologies; both projects developed by members of the association, as other people.
To fulfill these purposes are working on:
- Create and maintain a physical or virtual, collaborative work space.
- Promote and coordinate the development of technological projects for companies and individuals, by members of the association.
- Promote the capacities of members of the association in competitions, talks and exhibitions.
- Conduct outreach to the diffusion of new technologies activities.

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