The first time I saw an ad for the Onagofly, I wanted one, but much to my disappointment I began seeing tons of bad reviews, and it became evident that the thing just doesn't work. A YouTuber "TheMightyThor" inspired me by publishing some videos revealing that, as I had suspected, the Onagofly is actually a decent piece of hardware that's severely software crippled. Thor revealed that the flight controller is actually a modified Pixhawk PX4, and out of the box you can connect it to Mission Planner and APM Planner via the drone's micro USB port. This provides access to a wealth of settings. He also mentioned that he listened in on an interview with the Onago team, and they mentioned that they hate their own app and did most of the flight testing with a standard RC controller. Laughter aside about hating their own app, that comment implies that somewhere inside the Onago is a PPM solder pad. Hmmm...
Now, about acquiring one. There's no way I'm paying $300+ for one of these things, but you can let someone else take the hit for you! Turns out lots of frustrated Onago owners are ditching their drones on Ebay, and you can get a working one for $100-150. Happy hacking!
Apart from the ppm pins has anyone found the telem pins or others that they would kindly like to share? I picked up one of these dirt cheap and I know out of the box they suck and the app crashes all the time on my iphone 6 with ios 12, but works ok on a older iphone 5 with ios 10, so things like pin outs people found would be very handy. Thanks