
The best-laid plans of mice and men...

A project log for Feature Creep: The Project

How many things can I add to one interface device?

twystnekoTwystNeko 11/08/2016 at 17:500 Comments

Isn't it awesome when things just don't work? I managed to somehow blow up my Arduino Nano. No big deal, I have a few. But the display not working with a Teensy is more frustrating. So I decided to look through my stash. I've got a 8x32 LED matrix, a 320x240 TFT shield, and a tiiiiiny OLED display. I know the matrix and the OLED will work with a Teensy, but the shield is iffy. It'd be cool if I could use it, as it also has an SD card slot and a touchscreen. Of course, this means that whatever I do, I'll have to redesign the main body of the project.

I'm kind of leaning towards the LED matrix, as it's easy to work with.
