
Project Logs from 9/2/19 to 1/10/20

A project log for Solar Imaging and Sensoring System (SISS)

Creation of a drone capable of low altitude data collection, relying entirely or nearly entirely on solar power.

john-jonesJohn Jones 01/23/2020 at 15:200 Comments

Week 1: 9/2/19 - 9/6/19

Week 2: 9/8/19-9/13/19

Week 3: 9/15/19-9/20/19

Week 4: 9/22/19-9/25/19

Week 5: 9/30/19-10/4/19

Week 6: 10/7/19-10/11/19

Week 7: 10/14/19-10/18/19

Week 8: 10/21/19-10/25/19

Week 10: 11/4/19-11/8/19

Week 11: 11/12/19-11/15/19

Week 12: 11/18/19-11/22/19

Week 13: 12/2/19-12/6/19

Week 14: 12/9/19-12/13/19

Week 15: 1/6/20-1/10/20

Week 15: 1/6/20-1/10/20

Week 1: 9/2/19 - 9/6/19

Plan - The goals of this week were to create a pre-proposal and begin looking at the research databases that we have at our disposal. 

Procedures - As this week was primarily used to develop ideas, the main procedures were simply internet and database searches. We also verified our projects as being feasible. 

Progress - I developed a pre-proposal relating to medical haptic technology and researched basic background on it and a secondary topic regarding drones in agriculture. 

Problems - The medical haptic technology appeared to be out of the scope of feasibility, so I was forced to fall back on my secondary idea. I’ll recreate and resubmit a pre-proposal for this project next week. 

Week 2: 9/8/19-9/13/19

Plan - The goals for this week were to complete a website and give my project pre-proposal presentation, in the process receiving feedback and refining my ideas. At the same time, I was looking to collect some research that related to my project idea.

Procedures - I used to set up a project webpage with all the information I need to display. My project pre-proposal presentation was created using Google Slides. I found the research using the library databases, primarily ProQuest.

Progress - I finished the pre-proposal presentation and used the feedback to refine my project idea solely down to creating a solar-powered drone capable of supporting a basic sensor system. I found two articles of research and completed two article reviews for them. 

Problems - The scope of my original project was still too wide, but I refocused my project.

Week 3: 9/15/19-9/20/19

Plan- The plan this week was to complete my final 3 research reviews, 2 of which would be scientific research articles and the other would be a patent. 

Procedures- I used the databases again to find the research articles and I used the USPTO search process described in the presentation on Classroom to find the patent. 

Progress- I completed all 3 of the research articles and my mandatory lab clean up hours. During those lab clean up hours, I also discussed my project with Mr. Seyler and found a way to create the frame for significantly less cost than I thought I would have to be spending. They create airframes in Energy Systems from balsa wood, so I now have another source of information to draw upon. 

Problems- There weren’t any major problems this week. 

Week 4: 9/22/19-9/25/19

Plan- The requirement for this week was to complete the project purchase request sheet. Other goals were to develop a more concrete plan of how I was going to go about completing the project.

Procedures- I used a variety of sources to come to a conclusion about what resources would be necessary to create the drone. Several classmates were essential to making decisions about stuff like the necessary motor and prop. I then found these items on online retailers and filled out the purchase request sheet using these retailers. 

Progress- The purchase request sheet is complete and I have a solid base for how I am going to go about completing this project.

Problems- No major problems this week. 

Week 5: 9/30/19-10/4/19

Plan- The plan this week was to complete our proposals and give feedback to other classmates

Procedures- Word processing software was used to create the proposals and presentation software to create the project proposal presentations

Progress- The proposal was mostly complete by the end of this week with minor revisions necessary.

Problems- No major problems this week

Week 6: 10/7/19-10/11/19

Plan- The plan was to deliver project proposals and assess feedback. Purchase order submissions also began this week. 

Procedures- The presentation was delivered via Google Slides. 

Progress- The proposal was delivered with only minor setbacks. 

Problems- Initial proposal lacked a robotics component. A plan to include basic sensory systems, like a camera, was made. 

Week 7: 10/14/19-10/18/19

Plan- Goals for this week were finalizing project components, sending out orders, and beginning initial CAD. 

Procedures- Fusion 360 was used for CAD. Everything else was done through either the internet or by testing components found in the Energy Systems Lab.

Progress- CAD was started and components finalized. 

Problems- Several ideas were proposed for how to incorporate the solar panels into the wing. This delayed initial CADs and finalized components, but I’ve decided to order small individual cells to fit as many into the wing as possible.

Week 8: 10/21/19-10/25/19 

Plan- Order parts and finish initial CADs

Procedures- Fusion 360 was used for CAD. Parts were ordered through the project ordering spreadsheet.

Progress- Initial CAD completed, solar cells ordered, and I was given an extra receiver that someone had ordered. 

Problems- No major problems.

Week 10: 11/4/19-11/8/19

Plan- Order all the parts necessary for next months of construct and complete final CADs

Procedures- Fusion 360 was used for CAD. Parts were ordered through the project ordering spreadsheet.

Progress- Parts were all located and final CADs drafted. Solar panels arrived.

Problems- No major problems.

Week 11: 11/12/19-11/15/19

Plan- Continue CAD and laser cut parts for testing

Procedures- Fusion 360 was used for CAD. I attempted to use an Epilogue laser cutter. 

Progress- CAD work continued. No progress made on Epilogue laser cutter due to issues. 

Problems- Issues with software and the Epilogue meant that laser cutting was incredibly time consuming and didn’t give the results wanted. 

Week 12: 11/18/19-11/22/19

Plan- Continue CAD and give parts presentation.

Procedures- Fusion 360 was used for CAD. Google slides was used for the presentation

Progress- CAD work continued. Parts presentation given and feedback received. Original solar cells arrived and raspberry pi came in, as well. 

Problems- No major problems. Missed a day due to sickness and project log ownership was locked for the week, so it couldn’t be edited. 

Week 13: 12/2/19-12/6/19

Plan- Give Progress presentation, continue CAD, finalize material for spars.

Procedures- Fusion 360 was used for CAD. Google slides was used for the presentation. Spars were obtained from Energy Systems. 

Progress- CAD work continued. Progress presentation given and feedback received. Acquired spars, ESC, and a single cell solar controller for reference in finding a 3s solar controller. 

Problems- No major problems

Week 14: 12/9/19-12/13/19

Plan- Continue CAD/Review Materials/Order Solar Charge Controller

Procedures- Fusion 360

Progress- CAD worked continued. Solar charge controller ordered. 

Problems- Computer crash set work back a half hour

Week 15: 1/6/20-1/10/20

Plan- Finish Airfoil CAD/begin construction

Procedures- Fusion 360 for the CAD, AutoCAD for the laser cutter, laser cutter for the construction

Progress- Airfoil CAD worked finished. Solar charge controller received. 

Problems- Ribs are prone to snapping under pressure, so several broke during preliminary construction.

Week 15: 1/6/20-1/10/20

Plan- Continue construction, update website, and catch up on project logs

Procedures- Used Laser cutter for construction, for the website

Progress- Most ribs cut and aligned. Wing underlying structures (ribs, struts) should be complete by the end of next week. 

Problems- No major problems 


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