
Z80 Pins and Debugging

A project log for 3-Chip Z80 Design

Combining a Z80 retro design with a modern PSoC CPU. 10/11/2019 at 16:520 Comments

There are two ways to get to the Z80 bus for external operations.

Other controls:

Debugging with Logic Analyzer

Looking at the lower address and data bits with the DSLogic+.

The data looks like the bottom nibble is stuck with 0x3 which does match the first instruction but it doesn't look like it's changing for the following instructions. Here's the first few lines of the assembly code:

unsigned char monitor_eprom[] =
0xF3, 0xC3, 0x8A, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC3, 0x24, 0x01, 0x00,
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xC3, 0xC0, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,

The first two instructions do have 0x3 as the bottom nibble but the next lines don't. The start of the code has:

MON        .ORG    $0000        ; MONITOR ROM RESET VECTOR
; Reset
RST00        DI            ;Disable INTerrupts
        JP    INIT        ;Initialize Hardware and go

Looking at the Code

I want to look and see if the right stuff is running, but I don't have a listing file for the output of the assembler. I just have Grant's ASM source. Grant also includes the TASM assembler but it doesn't run under 64-bit windows. 

I tried TASM in DOSBOX and it works. It needed all the files (TASM.*). I did that and the program created a list file automatically. Here's the first few lines of the listing:

0102   0000 F3          RST00        DI            ;Disable INTerrupts
0103   0001 C3 8A 01            JP    INIT        ;Initialize Hardware and go
0104   0004 00                  NOP
0105   0005 00                  NOP
0106   0006 00                  NOP
0107   0007 00                  NOP

INIT is:

0387   018A 31 AE 40    INIT        LD   SP,STACK        ; Set the Stack Pointer
0388   018D             
0389   018D 21 00 40            LD    HL,serABuf
0390   0190 22 40 40            LD    (serAInPtr),HL
0391   0193 22 42 40            LD    (serARdPtr),HL
0392   0196             
0393   0196 21 45 40            LD    HL,serBBuf
0394   0199 22 85 40            LD    (serBInPtr),HL
0395   019C 22 87 40            LD    (serBRdPtr),HL
0396   019F             
0397   019F AF                  xor    a            ;0 to accumulator
0398   01A0 32 44 40            LD    (serABufUsed),A
0399   01A3 32 89 40            LD    (serBBufUsed),A
0400   01A6             
0401   01A6             ;    Initialise SIO
0402   01A6             
0403   01A6 3E 00               LD    A,$00
0404   01A8 D3 02               OUT    (SIOA_C),A
0405   01AA 3E 18               LD    A,$18
0406   01AC D3 02               OUT    (SIOA_C),A

Dumped the RST00 and INIT code with the Front Panel and the code matches the listing so I think it loaded correctly.

Added connection to M1* and MREQ*. MREQ* runs a lot more than I expected but it's not always qualified with M1*.

I found the problem - it is in the trace above. I was qualifying SRAMCS* with M1* being low. M1* is only low during the first byte of an instruction, ie, it's only active during the opcode fetch. I removed M1* from the equation and got this:

And IOREQ* is stuck low waiting on the PSoC to remove the WAIT*. The code runs about as long as I would expect given the number of instructions shown to reach address 0x01A8 where the IO OUT happens.

Confirmed that IOREQ* is low with the scope. First time I've seen it low!!!

Now, on to work on the SIO emulator...


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