
Latest release is out!

A project log for 74HCT6526

Building a Drop-In Replacement for the MOS6526. Sponsored by PCBWay

daniel-molinaDaniel Molina 01/25/2023 at 06:300 Comments

Today I'm releasing v0.2.0 of the 74HCT6526. There are plenty of small fixes, some issues with the SDR are sorted out, and the overall design has received a little and well deserved clean up. A change to the controlbus triggeres a jump in the minor release number (My current versioning scheme is MAJOR.MINOR.REVISION).

This means, new boards are not 100% compatible with earlier ones. For a stack to work property, all boards should share the same MAJOR.MINOR version.

You can find all details at my gitHub repo :

Now, work begins on the TOD, the last unit of the CIA!


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