
V2 PCB prototype

A project log for ARX Hand Project X1

An advanced low cost 3D printable robotic hand for development in robotics, animatronics and prosthetics

supercellSupercell 11/17/2019 at 14:000 Comments

07 Feb 2019

PCB design made using a different motor driver IC. The new IC used has a significantly smaller footprint along with lower overall PCB cost. Capabilities of the IC are similar to the old ICs but with less control features that are outweighed by the improvement of smaller footprint and lower cost.

- Smaller PCB
- Lower component cost
- ATmega328P microcontroller
- All microcontroller pins broken out

- ATmega328P microcontroller
- 5V operating voltage for drivers and microcontroller
- I2C motor drivers
- D9, D8, D5 and D4 are used for the limit of M0 to M3 motor drivers
- D13 LED

Further Work:
- General PCB design improvements for hand, e.g. better layout, more features, etc.

200A PCB Render

