
Ultimaker Robot "Pin Walker"

Inspired by a Youtube user who forwarded me to "RobotHut", I designed this much smaller mechanism for a desktop pin walking robot.

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A Youtube follower suggested that I design a "pin walker" mechanism, which I had never seen nor heard of, so he directed me to the RobotHut website and I was so intrigued that I immediately begin designing a pin walker mechanism. After designing the mechanism, since I use Ultimaker 3D printers I decided to complete the model using the Ultimaker Robot as the body for Ultimaker Robot "Pin Walker".

Designed using Autodesk Fusion 360, sliced using Cura 4.2, and printed in PLA on an Ultimaker 2+ Extended and an Ultimaker 3 Extended.

One final note, I receive no compensation in any form for the parts and/or materials used in this model.

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