It so happened that among the logs of our uECG project there is no information about the process of creating packaging design. Perhaps we did not find this topic "technical" enough or simply did not have the time/effort. But after going through this process with one device, we realized how complicated, important and time-consuming it is. Therefore, as we worked on the uEMG board and bracelet, we also started working on the box design.
This process is constant. You think about design all the time, to one degree or another, and then a week, a month or two later, it suddenly dawns on you and you draw several illustrations. For about two months we were in this relaxed state of thinking. And suddenly, in January of this year, I drew four sketches. And only at the end of March I was able to transfer these sketches to paper "sleeves" in order to try them on the boxes.

In addition to thinking about package design for uEMG specifically, I also wanted to leave some kind of general visual concept for all of our devices - both existing and future ones. We call them uDevices. So I decided to keep the title and side text from uECG packaging and draw the rest for uEMG. I used an illustration of four channels of EMG signals and the muscles themselves. In uECG, the signal itself was important - its image is primary and easy to read, and the signal source itself can be confusing to draw: for example, drawing of a heart with the signal might be mistaken for a heart implant. But in uEMG, the muscles themselves are more likely to be the primary image, and then the signal which can be obtained from them. Even during the creation of the device itself, there was a separate process for optimal placement of electrodes on the muscles.

What came of this - we will find out in the next log!
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