(In fast-forward mode. Note that the GIF is played at x8 speed.)
SHIHEN is a device which colors your everyday (a bit).
Have a glimpse of your favorite poems, quotes or scenes of a movie.
OK, What does this device do?
Let me briefly explain.
- At first, You have to convert a video or texts into a suitable format by using https://shihen.now.sh/
- Copy the downloaded files (`offsets.bin` and `images.bin`) onto a microSD card. (then insert the microSD to SHIHEN)
- SHIHEN hourly wakes up and shows frames one by one.
- Sometimes you may find your best-loved scene/quote on SHIHEN.
- (It's also possible to fast forward the frames manually by pressing the switch.)
- On board RTC offers 2+ years of battery life.(in theory)
- By using a dedicated Web-based converter, you can quickly show any texts and videos on the device.
- The 3D printable enclosure (written in OpenSCAD)
- ESP8266 (ESP-12F)
- Waveshare 2.9 inch e-Paper (296x128)
- RTC PCF8563 (or TLP5110)
- microSD (or 3MiB internal flash)
- Your favorite poems, quotes or scenes of a movie.
(What does "SHIHEN" stand for? - It comes from a Japanese word "しへん", which has two different meanings; "紙片" means "a piece of paper"; "詩片" means "a piece of poetry".)
(Fast-forward mode at x1 speed.)