
What next?

A project log for Nits Processor

8-bit TTL technology processor

cedCed 01/14/2020 at 10:230 Comments

The first version of the Nits Processor is now finished. It is turing complete with a very basic set of instructions, it is possible to upload a program and run it, it can display a result on the 7-segment display.

Here are a few photos.

The instruction decoder (3 EEPROMS for 17 signals and a set of gates to decode the flags):

The memory (256 bytes stored in Non Volatile Static RAM, with the Address Register, the memory value display). 

The two flat cables come from the memory loader module (Arduino based). One is the Address bus and one is the data bus. They are used in PROG mode to upload the program to the memory.

It is now time to think about the next steps. What are the current limitations and how can it be improved.

Improvements can be of 3 sorts:

Improve the instruction set

The instruction set is very limited and really needs to be expanded to provide usable capabilities. For instance:

Improve the architecture

With only 2 registers, the lack of stack pointer and only 256 bytes of memory for both data and program, the current archietcture can really be improved:

Improve the buid

In its current form (build on breadboards), the CPU works well at 1 Mhz, however, when putting a 4 Mhz oscilator, it breaks. And this is normal considering the capacitance of the breadboard and how the cables are set up.

It would therefore be interresting to improve on the design with:
