I've honestly been putting off ordering this board for awhile and spent a lot of time double checking the electrical schematic (a few minor issues were corrected since the last log).
Either way the 4th (and hopefully final) revision is here!

Compared to revision 3 the newer watch is much smaller and uses the available space a bit more efficently. (ignore the JST connector sticking out that's temporary).
but what about the inside?

This revision uses a bit more of a layerd construction. The battery sits on the bottom of the case with the board and screen placed on top of it. I plan to later attempt to source a super flat battery to reduce the overall size a bit but for now the watch was built around this random 5mm thick cell I had laying around.

I'm happy with how the final board came together. The hot-bar connection for the screen makes it simple to get at the board if I should ever need to (or want to). Also switching to the ESP32 module gives some peace of mind knowing that the RF performance of this thing is at least not terrible.
Next log should be about the software that's going to run this thing and how that's all going to work together. I'm looking foward to the future of this project.
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