
Initial Concept

A project log for Design and Build an Artificial Beehive.

Completing my final year project, producing an open source beehive, and hoping to interact with the online maker community

bjenkinson1bjenkinson1 03/26/2020 at 15:510 Comments

I have attached sketches of prototype 1 (a mini hive), the beehive is intended to be assembled modularly (currently manufactured out of PLA as it is non-toxic, biodegradable and doesn't shrink as much as ABS).

Each part will be attached using bayonet fittings (i have also attached images of how this works) although I still need to determine tolerances. Once tolerances and wall thickness have been determined I will consider how the final design can be scaled up. 

Second iteration of this prototype coming soon; with ventilation and insulation improvements. 
