
Quadcopter FeatherWing for Huzzah32

Let Huzzah32 fly

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This project is about feather wing for Adafruit Huzzah32. The wing platform has orientation sensor, altimeter, and motor drivers. The PCB is designed to have a quadcopter-shape where motors are attached on each legs. The footprint size is 3.4" x 3.4".

Application: IoT quadcopter

This is a quadcopter featherwing for feather ecosystem.

Main components:

1. BNO055, an orientation sensor which provides information about the orientation/attitude of the quadcopter when it is hovering in the sky. The communication protocol is I2C with address 0x28. The schematic for this sensor can be found on Adafruit website.

2. MPL3115A2, a pressure/altimeter sensor to provide altitude of the quadcopter. The communication protocol is I2C with address 0x60. The schematic for this sensor can be found on Adafruit website.

3. DRV8837C, the DC motor driver. There are 4 of them to drive 4 motors. 

Power lines:

There 2 power supply lines to power up this featherwing, i.e. power for the ICs and power for the motors. Power for the ICs is taken from 3.3V pin and the power for motors is taken directly from the battery. 

DC motor:

Six-mm hole is available on each four leg of the wing to attach a mini dc motor (motor diameter must be 6 mm). The dc motor will be press-fitted to this hole. If the PCB is thick enough, a small set screw can be used to hold the motor to the wing.  


Schematic version: 20191230

Adobe Portable Document Format - 108.91 kB - 12/30/2019 at 06:34



PCB layout version: 20191230

Adobe Portable Document Format - 52.52 kB - 12/30/2019 at 06:33


  • 1 × BNO055 Absolute Orientation Sensor
  • 1 × MPL3115A2 Pressure sensor with altimetry
  • 1 × DRV8837C Motor driver

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davedarko wrote 12/04/2019 at 16:02 point

definitely wanna see this fly, good luck!

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