
Tinymovr alpha: Production Update #2

A project log for Tinymovr Motor Controller

Affordable, precise, integrated motion control for robotics

yannis-chatzikonstantinouYannis Chatzikonstantinou 07/26/2020 at 17:370 Comments

Here's a short update featuring a video that demonstrates the Tinymovr alpha Dev Kit in action:

Torque tests go up to 10A due to absence of a good ventilation system, but extrapolated you should be able to reach around 0.6Nm at 30A.

I've open sourced the STL files for the Dev Kit motor mount so you are welcome to build one yourself (you'll still need a CAN adapter and associated data and power cables though). 

Tinymovr alpha is now closed. Thanks to everyone that participated! Boards and Dev Kits will be shipping soon.

There will be a new round of boards/kits in the near future, so stay tuned!
