
Project state & next steps

A project log for Tinymovr Motor Controller

Affordable, precise, integrated motion control for robotics

yannis-chatzikonstantinouYannis Chatzikonstantinou 08/24/2020 at 19:350 Comments

It's been some time since the last update however the project has been moving on at rapid pace. First, the alpha boards and dev kits have been completed and sent out to their owners in early August. In addition, the Tinymovr Github repository now hosts the complete array of Tinymovr modules: Firmware, client (Studio), documentation and some related schematics and drawings. Furthermore, I've set up a Discord server to stir up the discussion. Hey! There's not much there yet, but given time.. :)

Most importantly, the new batch (I call it alpha2, for lack of a better name) is in the works. There is no clear timeline yet, but I've been really busy with minor improvements in the PCB layout and planning production (hint: it will be outsourced this time). As part of this, I've recently received a bunch of 5005 motors from MAD Components, which will make it into the next Dev Kits:

They are larger in diameter compared to the T-Motor 4004 shipped with the alpha, which means that Tinymovr will be able to be completely integrated behind the motor face, good news for building integrated servo drives :).

That's all for now, stay safe and stay tuned for more updates!
