I've only just gotten this working and need to clean it up a bit still but I thought it was neat and wanted to share.
To run the example you need code.py, castle_sprite_sheet.bmp, and map.csv from the files section or the repo. Once you get it working edit the map.csv file with a spreadsheet app or any text editor to change the map around. If you want to take it a step further you can customize the tile stats and behaviors in the TILES dict to invent your own games.
The main code.py has been updated to the latest version and now shows an example of using a map larger than the screen, as well as allowing the player to push other entities.
Code py:
import board
import displayio
import adafruit_imageload
from displayio import Palette
from adafruit_pybadger import PyBadger
import time
# Direction constants for comparison
UP = 0
DOWN = 1
LEFT = 3
# how long to wait between rendering frames
FPS_DELAY = 1/30
# how many tiles can fit on thes screen. Tiles are 16x16
# hold the map state as it came out of the csv. Only holds non-entities.
# hold the current map state if/when it changes. Only holds non-entities.
# dictionary with tuple keys that map to tile type values
# e.x. {(0,0): "left_wall", (1,1): "floor"}
# how far offset the camera is from the CURRENT_MAP
# used to determine where things are at in the camera view vs. the MAP
# list of sprite objects, one for each entity
# Dictionary with touple keys that map to lists of entity objects.
# Each one has the index of the sprite in the ENTITY_SPRITES list
# and the tile type string
# list of entities that need to be on the screen currently based on the camera view
# hold the location of the player in tile coordinates
PLAYER_LOC = (0,0)
# return from CURRENT_MAP the tile name of the tile of the given coords
def get_tile(coords):
return CURRENT_MAP[coords[0], coords[1]]
# return from TILES dict the tile object with stats and behavior for the tile at the given coords.
def get_tile_obj(coords):
return TILES[CURRENT_MAP[coords[0], coords[1]]]
# check the can_walk property of the tile at the given coordinates
def is_tile_moveable(tile_coords):
return TILES[CURRENT_MAP[tile_coords[0], tile_coords[1]]]['can_walk']
# behavior function that allows the player to push the entity
def allow_push(to_coords, from_coords, entity_obj):
push_x_offset = 0
push_y_offset = 0
print("inside allow push")
print("%s -> %s" % (from_coords, to_coords))
if to_coords[0] < from_coords[0]:
# moving left
push_x_offset = -1
push_y_offset = 0
elif to_coords[0] > from_coords[0]:
# moving right
push_x_offset = 1
push_y_offset = 0
elif to_coords[1] < from_coords[1]:
# moving up
push_x_offset = 0
push_y_offset = -1
elif to_coords[1] > from_coords[1]:
# moving down
push_x_offset = 0
push_y_offset = 1
# coords where we will be pushing the entity to
push_to_tile_coords = (to_coords[0]+ push_x_offset, to_coords[1]+ push_y_offset)
# check if the entity is allowed to move to there
if is_tile_moveable(push_to_tile_coords):
#print("dict before %s" % ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT)
# check if there are etity(s) at the tile we are trying to push to.
if push_to_tile_coords in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT:
# append the thing we are pushing to the the list at the new coordinates in the dictionary
# create a list with the thing we are pushing and store it in the dictionary
ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[push_to_tile_coords] = [entity_obj]
# remove the thing we are pushing from it's old location
# if there are no entities left in the old location
if len(ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[to_coords]) == 0:
# delete the empty lyst
del ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[to_coords]
#print("dict after %s" % ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT)
# return true to allow player to move
return True
# if we return false player won't be able to move
return False
# main dictionary that maps tile type strings to objects.
# each one stores the sprite_sheet index and any necessary
# behavioral stats like can_walk or before_move
# empty strings default to floor and no walk.
"": {
"sprite_index": 7,
"can_walk": False
"floor": {
"sprite_index": 7,
"can_walk": True
"top_wall": {
"sprite_index": 4,
"can_walk": False
"top_right_wall": {
"sprite_index": 5,
"can_walk": False
"top_left_wall": {
"sprite_index": 3,
"can_walk": False
"bottom_right_wall": {
"sprite_index": 11,
"can_walk": False
"bottom_left_wall": {
"sprite_index": 9,
"can_walk": False
"right_wall": {
"sprite_index": 8,
"can_walk": False
"left_wall": {
"sprite_index": 6,
"can_walk": False
"bottom_wall": {
"sprite_index": 10,
"can_walk": False
"robot": {
"sprite_index": 1,
"can_walk": True,
"entity": True,
"before_move": allow_push
"heart": {
"sprite_index": 2,
"can_walk": True,
"entity": True,
"player": {
"sprite_index": 0,
"entity": True,
# Badger object for easy button handling
badger = PyBadger()
# display object variable
display = board.DISPLAY
# Load the sprite sheet (bitmap)
sprite_sheet, palette = adafruit_imageload.load("/castle_sprite_sheet.bmp",
# make bright pink be transparent so entities can be drawn on top of map tiles
# Create the castle TileGrid
castle = displayio.TileGrid(sprite_sheet, pixel_shader=palette,
width = 10,
height = 8,
tile_width = 16,
tile_height = 16)
# Create a Group to hold the sprites and add it
sprite_group = displayio.Group(max_size=48)
# Create a Group to hold the castle and add it
castle_group = displayio.Group()
# Create a Group to hold the sprite and castle
group = displayio.Group()
# Add the sprite and castle to the group
# Open and read raw string from the map csv file
f = open("map.csv", 'r')
map_csv_str = f.read()
# split the raw string into lines
map_csv_lines = map_csv_str.replace("\r", "").split("\n")
# set the WIDTH and HEIGHT variables.
# this assumes the map is rectangular.
MAP_HEIGHT = len(map_csv_lines)
MAP_WIDTH = len(map_csv_lines[0].split(","))
# loop over each line storing index in y variable
for y, line in enumerate(map_csv_lines):
# ignore empty line
if line != "":
# loop over each tile type separated by commas, storing index in x variable
for x, tile_name in enumerate(line.split(",")):
print("%s '%s'" % (len(tile_name), str(tile_name)))
# if the tile exists in our main dictionary
if tile_name in TILES.keys():
# if the tile is an entity
if 'entity' in TILES[tile_name].keys() and TILES[tile_name]['entity']:
# set the map tiles to floor
ORIGINAL_MAP[x,y] = "floor"
CURRENT_MAP[x,y] = "floor"
# if it's the player
if tile_name == "player":
# Create the sprite TileGrid
sprite = displayio.TileGrid(sprite_sheet, pixel_shader=palette,
width = 1,
height = 1,
tile_width = 16,
tile_height = 16,
default_tile = TILES[tile_name]['sprite_index'])
# set the position of sprite on screen
sprite.x = x*16
sprite.y = y*16
# set position in x,y tile coords for reference later
PLAYER_LOC = (x,y)
# add sprite to the group
else: # not the player
# Create the sprite TileGrid
entity_srite = displayio.TileGrid(sprite_sheet, pixel_shader=palette,
width = 1,
height = 1,
tile_width = 16,
tile_height = 16,
default_tile = TILES[tile_name]['sprite_index'])
# set the position of sprite on screen
# default to offscreen
entity_srite.x = -16
entity_srite.y = -16
# add the sprite object to ENTITY_SPRITES list
#print("setting entity_sprites_dict[%s,%s]" % (x,y))
# create an entity obj
entity_obj = {
"entity_sprite_index": len(ENTITY_SPRITES) - 1,
"map_tile_name": tile_name
# if there are no entities at this location yet
if (x,y) not in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT:
# create a list and add it to the dictionary at the x,y location
ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[x, y] = [entity_obj]
# append the entity to the existing list in the dictionary
ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[x, y].append(entity_obj)
else: # tile is not entity
# set the tile_name into MAP dictionaries
ORIGINAL_MAP[x, y] = tile_name
CURRENT_MAP[x, y] = tile_name
else: # tile type wasn't found in dict
print("tile: %s not found in TILES dict" % tile_name)
# add all entity sprites to the group
for entity in ENTITY_SPRITES:
# Add the Group to the Display
# variables to store previous value of button state
prev_up = False
prev_down = False
prev_left = False
prev_right = False
# helper function returns true if player is allowed to move given direction
# based on can_walk property of the tiles next to the player
def can_player_move(direction):
if direction == UP:
tile_above_coords = (PLAYER_LOC[0], PLAYER_LOC[1] - 1)
return TILES[CURRENT_MAP[tile_above_coords[0], tile_above_coords[1]]]['can_walk']
if direction == DOWN:
tile_below_coords = (PLAYER_LOC[0], PLAYER_LOC[1] + 1)
return TILES[CURRENT_MAP[tile_below_coords[0], tile_below_coords[1]]]['can_walk']
if direction == LEFT:
tile_left_of_coords = (PLAYER_LOC[0]-1, PLAYER_LOC[1])
return TILES[CURRENT_MAP[tile_left_of_coords[0], tile_left_of_coords[1]]]['can_walk']
if direction == RIGHT:
tile_right_of_coords = (PLAYER_LOC[0] + 1, PLAYER_LOC[1])
return TILES[CURRENT_MAP[tile_right_of_coords[0], tile_right_of_coords[1]]]['can_walk']
# set the appropriate tiles into the CAMERA_VIEW dictionary
# based on given starting coords and size
def set_camera_view(startX, startY, width, height):
# set the offset variables for use in other parts of the code
# loop over the rows and indexes in the desired size section
for y_index, y in enumerate(range(startY, startY+height)):
# loop over columns and indexes in the desired size section
for x_index, x in enumerate(range(startX, startX+width)):
#print("setting camera_view[%s,%s]" % (x_index,y_index))
# set the tile at the current coordinate of the MAP into the CAMERA_VIEW
CAMERA_VIEW[x_index,y_index] = CURRENT_MAP[x,y]
except KeyError:
# if coordinate is out of bounds set it to floor by default
CAMERA_VIEW[x_index,y_index] = "floor"
# draw the current CAMERA_VIEW dictionary and the ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT
def draw_camera_view():
# list that will hold all entities that have been drawn based on their MAP location
# any entities not in this list should get moved off the screen
drew_entities = []
# loop over y tile coordinates
for y in range(0, SCREEN_HEIGHT_TILES):
# loop over x tile coordinates
for x in range(0, SCREEN_WIDTH_TILES):
# tile name at this location
tile_name = CAMERA_VIEW[x,y]
# if tile exists in the main dictionary
if tile_name in TILES.keys():
# if there are entity(s) at this location
# default background for entities is floor
castle[x, y] = TILES["floor"]['sprite_index']
# if it's not the player
if tile_name != "player":
# loop over all entities at this location
for entity_obj_at_tile in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[x + CAMERA_OFFSET_X, y + CAMERA_OFFSET_Y]:
# set appropriate x,y screen coordinates based on tile coordinates
ENTITY_SPRITES[int(entity_obj_at_tile["entity_sprite_index"])].x = x * 16
ENTITY_SPRITES[int(entity_obj_at_tile["entity_sprite_index"])].y = y * 16
# add the index of the entity sprite to the drew_entities list so we know not to hide it later.
else: # no entities at this location
# set the sprite index of this tile into the CASTLE dictionary
castle[x, y] = TILES[tile_name]['sprite_index']
else: # tile type not found in main dictionary
# default to floor tile
castle[x, y] = TILES["floor"]['sprite_index']
# if the player is at this x,y tile coordinate accounting for camera offset
# set player sprite screen coordinates
sprite.x = x*16
sprite.y = y*16
# loop over all entity sprites
for index in range(0, len(ENTITY_SPRITES)):
# if the sprite wasn't drawn then it's outside the camera view
if index not in drew_entities:
# hide the sprite by moving it off screen
ENTITY_SPRITES[index].x = int(-16)
ENTITY_SPRITES[index].y = int(-16)
# variable to store timestamp of last drawn frame
last_update_time = 0
# variables to store movement offset values
x_offset = 0
y_offset = 0
# main loop
while True:
# auto dim the screen
# set the current button values into variables
cur_up = badger.button.up
cur_down = badger.button.down
cur_right = badger.button.right
cur_left = badger.button.left
# check for up button press / release
if not cur_up and prev_up:
if can_player_move(UP):
x_offset = 0
y_offset = - 1
# check for down button press / release
if not cur_down and prev_down:
if can_player_move(DOWN):
x_offset = 0
y_offset = 1
# check for right button press / release
if not cur_right and prev_right:
if can_player_move(RIGHT):
x_offset = 1
y_offset = 0
# check for left button press / release
if not cur_left and prev_left:
if can_player_move(LEFT):
print("can_move left")
x_offset = -1
y_offset = 0
# if any offset is not zero then we need to process player movement
if x_offset != 0 or y_offset != 0:
# variable to store if player is allowed to move
can_move = False
# coordinates the player is moving to
moving_to_coords = (PLAYER_LOC[0] + x_offset, PLAYER_LOC[1] + y_offset)
# tile name of the spot player is moving to
moving_to_tile_name = CURRENT_MAP[moving_to_coords[0], moving_to_coords[1]]
# if there are entity(s) at spot the player is moving to
if moving_to_coords in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT:
print("found entity(s) where we are moving to")
# loop over all entities at the location player is moving to
for entity_obj in ENTITY_SPRITES_DICT[moving_to_coords]:
print("checking entity %s" % entity_obj["map_tile_name"])
# if the entity has a before_move behavior function
if "before_move" in TILES[entity_obj["map_tile_name"]].keys():
print("calling before_move %s, %s, %s" % (moving_to_coords,PLAYER_LOC,entity_obj))
# call the before_move behavior function act upon it's result
if TILES[entity_obj["map_tile_name"]]['before_move'](moving_to_coords,PLAYER_LOC,entity_obj):
# all the movement if it returned true
can_move = True
# break and don't allow movement if it returned false
else: # entity does not have a before_move function
# allow movement
can_move = True
if can_move:
# set the player loc variable to the new coords
PLAYER_LOC = moving_to_coords
else: # no entities at the location player is moving to
# set player loc variable to new coords
PLAYER_LOC = moving_to_coords
# reset movement offset variables
y_offset = 0
x_offset = 0
# set previos button values for next iteration
prev_up = cur_up
prev_down = cur_down
prev_right = cur_right
prev_left = cur_left
# current time
now = time.monotonic()
# if it has been long enough based on FPS delay
if now > last_update_time + FPS_DELAY:
# if player is past x tile coordinate 4
if PLAYER_LOC[0] > 4:
# set camera to player location offset by 4
# set camera to 0,0
# draw the camera
# store the last update time
last_update_time = now