
Modified Version

A project log for ES-200 Electric Scooter Unlocker

Our streets are becoming litter with high technology joy. These forgotten scooter must be reverse engineer and given the love they deserve.

mr-spriggsMr. Spriggs 12/10/2021 at 11:132 Comments

I added a modified version that has a lot of extra things going. Its written in C++.


odiecz wrote 09/11/2024 at 20:29 point

Hi, which pins from the arduino connect? are RX, TX and 3.3V still valid? I flashed Nano ESP32, RemoteXY working but scooter won't wake up, on Nano ATMega (scooter_starter.ino) i have no problem. I tried flash scooter_starter.ino to ESP32, blue led was blinking every 500ms, but RX and TX won't wake up scooter too.

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0lav wrote 12/22/2021 at 21:23 point

What are the acceptable values for defaultSpeed?  is 25 the max? 

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