A grow light for your poor plants when they lack sun, with all they need (Blue + Red, but also a little bit of UV, IR, green and amber)
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Grow Light Assembly.f3dFusion 360 assembly of the light with 3D printed shade and holderfusion - 8.37 MB - 09/26/2020 at 22:53 |
GrowLightPCB.zipGerber for the LED aluminum PCBx-zip-compressed - 14.06 kB - 12/03/2019 at 03:13 |
LED power supply for Grow Light project.PDFSchematic for the power converterAdobe Portable Document Format - 213.01 kB - 12/03/2019 at 03:12 |
GrowLightPowerPCB.zipGerber for the power converter PCBx-zip-compressed - 22.92 kB - 12/03/2019 at 03:11 |
I got the bad new yesterday that the LED is in End-of-Life on Digi-Key.
Just FYI, the part number is LZC-00H100-0000, if you manage to source the part somewhere.
For now I don't have a plan for a new version yet, but if I end up redesigning it, I will upload it here most likely.
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Hey, that might just salvage my wife's Meyer lemon tree, which is siting in the garage at this moment. Thanks!