Date: 14 / 8 / 2019 - 17 / 8 / 2019
Testing for capacitive sensing, LED strip and dc motor. Used random jumper wire and breadboard
•Touch on the copper tape to activate capacitive sensor.
•Test on two LED, placed LED with the L298N. Included DC motor.

Date: 27/ 9 / 2019
Included audio speaker and stick with capacitive sensor. And tested with the heart beat light. Speakers are making vibrate effect for people to feel the heart beating when placed the palm on the board.
•Capacitive sensor combine with the speakers.
•Tested for LED combine with 3D heart look, it beautiful.

Date: 11 / 10 / 2019 - 16 / 10 / 2019
Combined and connected two Arduino boards with the speakers into the touch sensor's wood board.
•Technical part combine.
•Install into the touch sensor board.
•Two Arduino board, speaker, Led strip and wires.
•Breadboard changed to the veroboard.

Date: 18/ 10 / 2019 - 26 / 10 / 2019
Pre-set up the art installation look. Measurement the distance of the projector and the visual that matched with the 3D heart.
•Pre-set up and test.
•Keep solving problem.

28 / 10 / 2019 - 8 / 11 / 2019
Pre-set up, used masking tape to tape all the wires and get wire neat and less messy. The problem is the wires too messy and the code cannot sent normally. Before the problem solved, the LED light will jump to random color when I touched. This problem I have to said because I found this simple problem took a week ago. It wasted my time a lot.
•Solved problem.
•Try to include sub-element like DC motor for heart beat.

Date: 28 / 11 / 2019
Exhibition that day, I placed all the Arduino's boards and wires to a small board to easy carry and look neat and clean.
•Make sensor board smaller.
•Easy to take and put.

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