
12.12/19 (The first three hours)

A project log for TV Remote Jammer 1688001

Creating a device that blocks signal from a TV remote

wajqnosewiczwajqnosewicz 12/13/2019 at 05:250 Comments

So this morning, we worked on learning the theory behind the 555 Timer. We learned all the pins and what they should be connected to. Then we built a trial circuit. This circuit was plugged into the oscilloscope and WE GOT VALUES! These values show that a signal in the order of 9 KHZ was created.  The signal we are trying to create is on the order of 30- 40 KHZ. Rats. We could try changing the resistors to manually get a different frequency. This really took 3 hours. 

Our next steps are to transfer the knowledge by doing this deep dive into Timer Theory to our actual circuit. We might find a problem in how we originally set up our circuit (or not).  We honestly just need more time. 

