

A project log for TV Remote Jammer 1688001

Creating a device that blocks signal from a TV remote

wajqnosewiczwajqnosewicz 12/14/2019 at 05:210 Comments

I really hope my unique style of dating these entries catches on. 

Anyways, today in lab, we split the work. Ryan worked on the Multisim simulation, trying to find the frequency that the simulation would produce. Her answer was that we should change our 470 ohm resistor to 315 K ohm resistor. This worked on the simulation, but when we tried in the real world, the freqency dropped from 33kHz to 3.3KHz ( a factor of ten).  This data was fascinating.  And by "fascinating" I mean confusing. We currently have no explanation, but will find one shortly.

The frequency of the LEDs is the same as the frequency of the circuit as seen by the green and blue dashes occuring in at the same time intervals.

I worked on probing the circuit with the oscilloscope some more.  I tried to find if there was a rhyme/reason for how the frequency changed. Then I started on creating the hybrid TV remote and jammer infrared combination system. (Basically scotch tapes and some leds). I did not finish this, but this will be the first thing I work on in the lab tomorrow.  The premise is that the led light signal from the remote will have to pass through the jamming led light of our circuit if we tape it correctly. 

Our next steps include testing. We just need a little more time. 

(Is this how Dr. Banner feels? )

