I decided to work on a web front-end for displaying summary information and the last few readings. I wanted to make a running 10 min or so average of the temperature and humidity readings. It ended up a little bit involved but I got it functional, the php code still need a few tweaks. It needs a bit more prettying up with some proper html and some css thrown in. Below is a sample of the output (again not very pretty yet.):
And of course the underlying php code:
$count = 0;
if (($csv = new SplFileObject('logfiles/rsensor_dht22.csv', 'r')) !== FALSE){
$lines = new LimitIterator($csv,$last_line - 40,$last_line);
$csv = null;
$count = 0;
$lines_array = iterator_to_array($lines);
$lines_array = array_values($lines_array);
while($count < 40){
//echo "<pre>";
//echo "</pre>";
$count =20;
while($count < 40){
echo print_r($scv_lines_parsed[$count][0], true) . ',';
echo print_r($scv_lines_parsed[$count][1], true) . ',';
echo print_r($scv_lines_parsed[$count][2], true) . ',';
echo print_r($scv_lines_parsed[$count][3], true) .'<br />';
$count = 0;
while($count < 40){
echo '10 min avg' . '<br />';
echo 'humid,temp <br />';
echo $avg_humidity . ',' . $avg_temp;
On the back-end of things I also modified rsensor_dht22.php to create a new temp/humidity log file when the current one gets around 2MB as the file can get incredibly long over time.
$statefile = fopen("../logfiles/rsensor_dht22.txt", "r");
if (flock($statefile,LOCK_SH)){
$edstatus = fgets($statefile);
if($edstatus =="enable"){
$data = $_POST['data'];
$data2 = $_POST['data2'];
$datfile = fopen("../logfiles/rsensor_dht22.csv", "a+");
if (flock($datfile,LOCK_EX)){
//fwrite($datfile, $data . "," . $data2 . "," . date("H:i:s") ."\n");
//fwrite($datfile, $data . "," . $data2 . "," . date("H:i:s") . "," . date("Y-m-d") ."\n");
fwrite($datfile, date("Y-m-d") . "," . date("H:i:s") . "," . $data . "," . $data2 . "\n");
$statusfile = '../logfiles/rsensor_dht22.csv';
$filesize = filesize($statusfile);
if($filesize >= 2097152){
rename($statusfile,'../logfiles/rsensor_dht22_' . date("Y-m-d-H-i-s") . '.csv');
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