General Features.
- WIFI ready.
- Modbus RTU /RS485 (2 wires) half duplex.
- Built-in Modbus library with examples ( Makers version).
- AP mode allow setup: Modbus registers, WIFI connection and MQTT server.
- Client mode is the default mode which it get connected to WIFI (internet) .
- Built-in web server available in AP and Client Mode.
- Managed by Web GUI.
- Compact device, robust against interference and ESD discharges.
- DC input 6-26 Volts.
- IP 54.
- Led's indicators.
- Modbus tx/rx activity.
- MQTT tx/rx.
- Multistate pixel led.
- WIFI connection status.
- MQTT connection failure.
- Modbus read failure.
Modbus specs.
- Functions codes supported.
- 0x3 :Read multiple 16bit holding registers.
- 0x4 :Read multiple 16bit input register.
- 32 bits register and floating points.
- 32bit data types (integer and float) uses contiguous array of 2x16bit registers.
- Support for IEEE 754 format floating-point.
- Maximum number of slaves ( model dependent).
- MB-B1Wxx : Support 1 slave.
- MB-A4Wxx : Support 4 slaves.
IoT protocol specs.
- MQTT with TLS Encryption.
- ModbusBox pack each slave data in Json Object containing all selected devices registers.
- ModbusBox also send Json Object with variables indicating its own the operational status, like the ip addresses, SSID which is connected, running time, and SSID strength.
Supported web browsers
- Google chrome ( Os :Windows, Android, Ubuntu, iOS).
- Safari ( Os : iOs).
- Firefox (Os: Windows & Ubuntu)
Tested IoT Platforms.
- Node-red.
- Ubidots.
- Amazon AWS IoT ( work in progress).
Supported and extensive Tested Slaves :( its easy add new slaves a json file edit )
-Danfoss VLT FC102 VFD.
-CT C200/M200.
-ELNET Energy Meter.
-Pixys Remote IO MCM260-4AD
-RHT CLimate Novus.
ModbusBox have been successfully tested and added a new VFD brand Danfoss.
The model used in our test is the VLT FC102 HVAC DRIVE.
Integration to cloud was tested with Ubidots and Node-Red.