
Software app for people with depression


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FriendMeUp is an artificial intelligence application that is capable of maintaining complex conversations using relatively elaborate language. That's it - all your conversations (except those that deliberately make them absurd) will make sense.

To start using the app you just have to tap the friendly, round, character (FriendMeUp) and start chatting with it. You should immediately notice that the things he tells you are quite logical and appropriate to the conversation you are having.

You can entertain yourself by writing all sorts of stupid things and reading your reactions, which will occasionally surprise you and certainly make you smile. You can try to be your friend, threaten him ... it doesn't matter, because it's AI.

FriendMeUp is one of those fun apps you can download to pass the time, as its main purpose is meaningless fun. You will not be required to be connected to the internet to use it.

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