
Revision 2.3: Ready for Assembly and Testing

A project log for u-blox NEO-M9N GPS Featherwing

Using some of the newest GPS tech from u-blox, you can add global positioning to any Adafruit Feather!

sirmylesaverysirmylesavery 02/28/2020 at 14:530 Comments

I finally have gotten around to designing Revision 2.3!

Changes include:

This version is mostly thanks to some connections Miguel from made with u-blox and has been rightly added as a contributor to this project. I would also like to thank the u-blox sales office in South America for helping connect me to members of the u-blox, mainly Mr. Zagnit and Mr. Protopsaltis, who provided me with great design feedback. This design would not be what it is now without these people!

Next steps:

Below are some photos of the most recent version:
