In this project, we will make a clock with the help of the Arduino and RTC module. As we know the Arduino can not display the actual time so we will use the RTC module to display the right time on the LCD. Read all the step carefully it will help you a lot to make the clockwork.
The DS3231 Arduino code is like the DS1307 code and it works with both RTC chips.
The Arduino code underneath doesn't utilize any library for the DS3231 RTC, the Wire library is for the correspondence between the Arduino and the DS3231 utilizing the I2C convention.
Yeah! Many electronics engineers depend upon it for their time-based projects but RTC is not completely reliable. It is battery operated and has to be replaced soon or later. Coming to IoT projects it occupies valuable SPI(Serial Peripheral Interface) pins and gets messy with wires tangled around. Solution….Here comes our hero NTP(Network time protocol).NTP is so accurate since it gets time from the RTC module We are going to operate this protocol.
the process is so simple that our Arduino acts as a client and request to the RTC by Serial communication. In return, the rtc send to the Arduino which parses the data. NTP is the universal time synchronisation protocol. Now let us light up our labs work station