
Trinity Animator

A free and open-source alternative to Adobe Animate CC written in Haskell

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This is a free and open-source alternative to Adobe Animate
There are a few reasons why a software like this should exist, but namely:
- Animate costs a decent amount of money
- Animate is now Animate CC or "Creative Cloud" which is Adobe's paid subscription service

Why Haskell?
- Because I want to get better at Haskell
- Because I enjoy using Haskell
- Because it's possible to do in Haskell

Why "Trinity"?
- Adobe is not named after the house building style, but instead the Adobe River in Santa Clara, California
- I'm from Dallas, Texas, so I've named this software after a river there instead, the Trinity River

Far from finished, ultimately this project will be a full-fledged animation studio with vector draw tools and a familiar timeline tool.

You can view the source with the link below.

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