
3D Printed "No Fall" Toy Mechanism

A 3D printed electro-mechanical "no fall" mechanism reminiscent of the windup and battery powered toys of my youth.

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Reminiscent of the battery and windup powered "no fall" toys of my childhood, "No Fall Toy Mechanism" illustrates how the battery and windup powered "no fall" toys I had over fifty years ago avoided falling off the edge of a tabletop, countertop, or other elevated surface.

Being purely an electro mechanical design (e.g. no micro controllers, sensors, etc.), the model consists of an N20 150RPM 6VDC gear motor, a 3.7VDC 160MA LiPo battery, three N19 O-Rings for tires (23.5MM ID, 3.5MM section), and twelve unique 3D printed parts (fourteen total 3D printed parts). All parts are threaded or pressed together using only 3D printed bolts and / or axles.

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Greg Zumwalt wrote 01/07/2020 at 01:34 point

Hi Mike!

Thank you so very much!  

For me it is truly an enjoyable learning experience to attempt to recreate mechanisms from my childhood that started encouraged me to think, and this model caused me to think quite awhile!

Thanks again!


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Mike Szczys wrote 01/06/2020 at 20:13 point

That's a really cool mechanism. Works better than an electronic solution :-D

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