Today I did a simple dice with LabDroid:
function getRandom(max) {
return 1+Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(max))
let force = 0.0
let rolled = ""
while(true) {
const accel = $in(0)
force += Math.abs(accel.x) + Math.abs(accel.y)
if (force > 100.0) // Keep the dice on the floor
force = 90.0
else if (force > 30.0) {
force *= 0.6
rolled += getRandom(6) + " "
else if (force > 10) // The dice wiggles out
force *= 0.6
else {
if (rolled.length > 0) {
$log(rolled + "*" + getRandom(6) + "*")
rolled = ""
$sleep(1000) // Give the dice some time to cool down
force = 0.0

Still thinking about how I could share some example projects. Hackaday, Instructable, YouTube or Github?! :/
Any other recommendations? :D
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