
Final assembly marathon

A project log for IKEA LACK Table Lamp Clock

A ceiling-mounted ikea table, with dimmable LEDs and a bunch of small lamp shades to show time.

christophChristoph 01/24/2020 at 16:400 Comments

This was quite a tedious thing to assemble and I don't really recommend copying it in its current form, tbh.

Making twelve of these paracord/magnet wire/stiffener hangers:

These go through holes in the table. I added straws for guiding:

There will be an LED strip on the top, going all around, a bit set to the inside. The the surface needs some aluminium foil for reflection:

Added some 90° PVC and glued on the legs which were cut to 50 mm:

The metal parts are chain links, bent 45°. They are used to mount the whole thing to the ceiling.

Added servos, Teensy/ESP board and servo shift register PCBs:

Attaching the stiffened paracord things to the servo wheels was a bit tedious because all need to be in approximately the right position. So all servos to "down", let  the small lamps rest on a flat surface, and hot glue the paracord to the wheels:

Again chain links for the ceiling, the other side:

Now I can zip-tie the lamp to the ceiling.

Last step was to connect power to the top LED strip (PWM1) and to all twelve small lamps (PWM2):


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