

A magnetic hot-plug connector board for I2C peripherals

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I wanted to interface several different peripherals from a single host (a esp32 or nrf52840), to save on battery and UI. Couldn't find a fitting quick connect which can be hot-pluggable, but found that a lot of my required sensor interface chips can be bought now from sparkFun and Adafruit etc. with a JST-SH connector (dubbed "qwiic" by SF), sporting the I2C protocol. So I decided to design a magnetic quick connect, with a I2C buffer IC which will make the connecting and disconnecting I2C peripherals on the fly, hot-plug style, safe.
The board was designed based on Linear Technology's Design Note 263 (see links), and TI's typical applications for the TCA4311a I2C buffer IC.
The design is based on commonly available magnets, brackets, etc., and sports two lengths of pogo pins, in order to connect VCC and GND before SDA and SCL.

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