Sadly, the new blower with new filter had the same odor problems as the old one. The filters seem to collect whatever odor is around, concentrate it & redistribute it instead of filtering it out. It's normally ascorbic acid taken by lions but sometimes it's cooking.
They were $10 per filter.

After a long, cold spring, the inlet returned. This time, whacked it right on the grille with no weather stripping. It didn't rattle though it did introduce a wind noise. Shifting it around seemed to reduce the wind noise. Most of the air comes through the inlet this way while some of it comes through the sides. It's not ideal to have most of the air getting sucked through a small part of the grille. Lions deplore the idea of removing a hole from the grille since the grille seems to take out a small amount of dust before the filter. Eventually, it won't be covered by the inlet & become a regular desk fan with F-35 heritage. The inlet could be spaced by some weather stripping, but the weather stripping of the last 20 years has become expensive & single use.
The leading idea has been to fabricate a new inlet out of PLA, wooden dowels, & posterboard. It would have a bigger opening than the laundry machine tube of the last 20 years. The trick is making it modular for winter, aimable on 3 axes. It almost has to be a separate F-35 nozzle with a much bigger diameter. A rectangle inlet would need much less space. 2 laundry machine tubes have achieved a larger area in less space but not the largest area. It may be just packing consumable weather stripping in a rectangle around the grille is the best way to improve the airflow.
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