
Yet Another 4026B Clock

Digital clock driven by 4026Bs and 2 logic chips.

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4026B digital clock uses crystal oscillator to drive a seconds, minutes, and hours display. Manually reset and set time. Seconds and minutes reset on 60 (using AND gate) hours reset at 12 (so 00 represents 12).

This is my first electronics project! I had a few objectives with this one:
1. Design and build my own circuit (no outside help short of datasheets and reference material- ie not copying something else for once)
2. Utilize old school chips only (no micro controller or specially designed IC)
3. Learn to use KiCad and create schematic of circuit.
4. Get a PCB printed? Or finalize with a Manhattan-style copper tape board (this last step is undone)

Mostly went about this with just the datasheets, a logic probe, and the breadboard. Started with the seconds circuit and built my way over to the hours.

4026B Clock Schematic.PNG

Portable Network Graphics (PNG) - 61.38 kB - 02/02/2020 at 02:39


4026B Clock.sch

sch - 38.01 kB - 02/02/2020 at 02:36


4026B Clock.pdf

Adobe Portable Document Format - 134.29 kB - 02/02/2020 at 02:36


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