
Is it a Bat?

A project log for AI Wildlife Species Bat Detector

Species are auto detected 'in the wild' using machine learning with results transmitted to the cloud

capt-flatus-oflahertyCapt. Flatus O'Flaherty ☠ 03/21/2020 at 14:570 Comments

After data augmentation, we get a whole load more spectograph images, but a lot of them are blank so it's a really good idea to auto delete all the blank ones. This is done through a function called 'Morphology', which basically counts discrete shapes in an image. Very useful !!!

The image is firstly inverted, then converted to grey scale, then blurred, then a threshold is applied to create a mask, then blended back with the original and finally, the discrete objects are counted. Anything over 1 is kept and anything of value zero is deleted.
