Just posted the KiCAD schematic set. Oops, forgot to annotate a whole bunch of parts. I'll fix that. But, that is the circuit that is on my desk, spinning motors right now. The exception being R_Start1, it wasn't necessary for my oscillator to reliably start.
If the parallel port isn't for you, the interface signals are fairly simple.
Name | In/Out | Usage |
Direction | In | Selects either cosine or inverted cosine to control stepper direction. |
Run/Stop X/Y/Z | In | Switches the sine and the selected cosine signal on or off. |
WIN | Out | This signal goes high each time the sine or cosine does a zero-crossing. It also clocks the flip-flops, so that signals switch at the end of a full step. Switch a motor on, count WIN pulses to track the number of steps a motor takes. |
Polarity Pol0/Pol1 | Out | These two signals indicate the state of the oscillator, and state of a motor's rotor when it is running. Coordinating the motor's state with these signals will allow for smooth starting and direction changes. |
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