
Telepresence Robot

A robot that can be controlled via a web page on the Internet.

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This robot is powered by a Raspberry Pi (Gen 1 model A) to connect to the Internet and host a web page. And also an Arduino, to control the motors.

It uses a Flask webserver, with websockets. The websockets send data back to the robot for real-time control. It also runs a mjpeg-streamer video streamer for the camera. This currently isn't ideal as it has a lot of lag over the Internet.

You can control the robot with arrow keys and view the feed of the camera. You can also make the robot say things with text to speech (espeak on Linux).

Key components:
* Raspberry Pi Gen 1 Model A (700MHz, 512MB RAM)
* Arduino Uno
* Raspberry Pi camera
* DFRobot Devastator chassis
* Ultrasonic sensor (currently not utilised)
* DFRobot 2A motor controller shield

This robot is powered by a Raspberry Pi (Gen 1 model A) to connect to the Internet and host a web page. And also an Arduino, to control the motors.

It uses a Flask webserver, with websockets. The websockets send data back to the robot for real-time control. It also runs a mjpeg-streamer video streamer for the camera. This currently isn't ideal as it has a lot of lag over the Internet.

You can control the robot with arrow keys and view the feed of the camera. You can also make the robot say things with text to speech (espeak on Linux).

Key components:

* Raspberry Pi Gen 1 Model A (700MHz, 512MB RAM)

* Arduino Uno

* Raspberry Pi camera

* DFRobot Devastator chassis

* Ultrasonic sensor (currently not utilised)

* DFRobot 2A motor controller shield

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Dan Maloney wrote 02/11/2020 at 18:10 point

I used a telepresence robot once to remotely attend a conference. I found it remarkably engaging to "walk around" to various booths and attend a couple of talks. The speakers seemed to find it a little odd to watch the robot come into the room and to see my face on the display.

I forget the brand of robot, but it was a commercial service that was demonstrating at the conference. There was quite a bit of lag until I got the bandwidth settings right on the video. Then it was smooth, although there was some latency that made me bump the robot into things. And people.

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