FT232RL FTDI Mini USB x1 - for uploading a code to the ESP32-CAM
Dual Channel DC Motor Driver L298N x1
Adafruit (PID 3244) Mini Round Robot Chassis Kit - 2WD with DC Motors x1 - I used this chassis, but you can make your own or buy any other available chassis. What we need here is wheels and DC Motors
18650 Battery Holder x1
18650 Battery x2 (as an alternative four AA batteries and its holder can be used instead of 18650 batteries)
Mini Pan/Tilt Platform w/ 2 SG-90 Servos x1
MB102 Breadboard Power Supply Module x1
iRobbie-A iOS App
Assemble the Chassis
Assemble the robot chassis with two DC motors, 3 wheels and mini L298N motor drive controller. Use use a mounting tape to attach the motor drive controller to the platform.
Well-done project I have to admit. But I have a question: could I use this camera for biometrical identification with https://recfaces.com/ applocation or not? I think it should be an interesting security system.
Well-done project I have to admit. But I have a question: could I use this camera for biometrical identification with https://recfaces.com/ applocation or not? I think it should be an interesting security system.