
Portable time-lapse camera using an ESP32-CAM

This tutorial helps you to create a portable camera using an ESP32-CAM running MicroPython.

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This tutorial extends the article "MicroPython: Taking photos with an ESP32" and in this case, the ESP32-CAM running MicroPython takes a photo every 5 seconds and saves it on the microSD card. The photos can be then combined into a time-lapse video!

The MicroPython official version doesn't support I2S interface. However, tsaarni wrote a driver for the OV2640 and forked the MicroPython repository to include it. Thus, you need to follow the instructions in this article: MicroPython: Taking photos with an ESP32 to install the right firmware.

  • 1
    Extend the official version of MicroPython and flash it on the ESP32-CAM
  • 2
    Clone the repository lemariva/uPyCam typing:
    git clone -b timelapse-camera
  • 3
    Rename the file to and configure the Wi-Fi access settings:
    # wlan access
    ssid_ = ""
    wpa2_pass = ""

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