
Simple programmable robotic vehicle - $20 or less

In this project we show you how to turn a cheap RC car into a programmable robotic vehicle that you can use in all sorts of projects.

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You can build a programmable robotic vehicle for $20 or less - we're excited to how you how.

This is an intro-level project that doesn't require previous experience with electronics or programming. You can take an inexpensive RC car (readily available from discount stores and thrift shops) and combine it with a few other parts to make your first programmable robotic vehicle. We'll provide some ideas for future projects and challenges in upcoming videos; this is a great starter project for individuals or groups.

You can check out the full build video here:

Enjoy, and let us know how your project turns out.

Co-founder, LoisLab

We're LoisLab, and we teach high-school students and teachers about topics like artificial intelligence and robotics for free. We have a cl

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