
Helpful links for ESP32 development

A project log for Haptic Sleeve

Sleeve worn on the arm to provide haptic feedback while performing handwriting exercises.

grant-stankaitisGrant Stankaitis 03/10/2020 at 21:100 Comments

For this project, we will be programming the ESP32 using MicroPython. Below are some helpful links to MicroPython and ESP32 documentation.

MicroPython Documentation

ESP32 Datasheet

Some things to be aware of when powering the ESP32 from the 5v/3.3v pin:

How to power your ESP32

On the 5v pin, you can supply anywhere from 5-12v DC, the on board voltage regulator will step down the voltage.

NEVER supply more than 3.3v on the 3.3v pin, it has no voltage regulator.
