
IDE for programming the ESP32 using MicroPython

A project log for Haptic Sleeve

Sleeve worn on the arm to provide haptic feedback while performing handwriting exercises.

grant-stankaitisGrant Stankaitis 03/10/2020 at 21:250 Comments

I decided to use Zerynth as the development environment for the ESP32.

I chose Zerynth because it provides a useful all-in-one package that makes programming the ESP32 easier.

This link explains the main points behind using Zerynth.

"What you DON’T need:

Download Zerynth

The link to download Zerynth can be found here. Download the file and click through the installer as necessary.

Zerynth initial setup

For the initial setup of Zerynth after the installation is complete, follow these steps:

  1. Accept license agreement
  2. Optional: Click online to clone code from online repository (like GitHub)
  3. Select the latest version to install (r2.4.2). Zerynth will download and install the required packages.
  4. Click "Start Zerynth!"
  5. You will need to create an account to user Zerynth. I signed in to Zerynth using my Chapman Google account.
