Aim: Construct networked home batteries using as many off the shelf parts as
possible.Ingredients: Batteries of your choice, Battery chargers (matched to batteries), Solar microinverters, Raspberry Pi, Audio Injector PCB quick connect clip, power meter (in fuse box), cables & connectors.Manufacture the PCB, use buildroot to create the operating system. install on Pi, switch one to master the rest to slave. Turn all on, master will take over.How ? The software polls the power meter in the fuse box, it gets production and consumption data. The master battery's job is to reduce the difference between consumption & production. When production is too high, battery chargers are turned on one by one. When consumption is too high, microinverters are turned on one by one.The networked batteries augment the grid - may change later to be off grid.https://imgur.
please do - I am about to post version two of this ... the lithium ion networked home battery.