
Posting Parallel Project Progress

A project log for COSV - Cam Open Source Ventilator

Roller cam based portable BVM ventilator.

masterofnullMasterOfNull 04/02/2020 at 23:190 Comments

Tested the #Human Lung Analog idea and it works.  I can control the pressure and compliance now to better simulate our load.

#VISP - Ventilator Inline Sensor Package pcb's have passed review and the gerbers have been shipped up to @oshpark for three of the prototype boards.  

Parts are here.  We also dropped an Atmega 328 on the board and it actually routed.  

Tried to get into the Dallas Makerspace to cut the new laser version, and they weren't having it.  I can understand.

An alternate contact on LinkedIn may have been able to hook me up with a lab though.  Sweet. 

<EDIT> I decided not to take them up on the lab as that would actually put a member of my family here at risk.  We are going to attempt to do the same thing, remote.</EDIT>
