
Component magnets for fridge/ whiteboard

Customized whiteboard magnets that look like electronic components

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Ain't this a beauty? For a long time I wanted to have my own customized whiteboard magnets.

If you want to 3D print and replicate these items for yourselves, here are some useful links:

If you like them and have other ideas for different shapes, please leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below.

The files can be downloaded at:

  • 1
    Dual color parts

    The dual color parts labeled with _A or _B in their filename are self-aligning if you import them into Slic3r. Then you can either choose to have them sliced for dual extruder printers or single extruder ones. 

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Ken Yap wrote 03/25/2020 at 05:56 point

Hahaha these make nice fridge magnet geek gifts. 🐱👍 Hanging out for the magnets looking like shields.

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Marius Taciuc wrote 03/28/2020 at 01:31 point

Thanks. I could add inductors and some other RF components.

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